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and i'll love you.



"20 is auntie" as someone says.
my birthday is on 6July,
DO NOT forget.
Temasek Polytechnic

before this dream is over.

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    thank you.

    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
    Hosts: x o x

    just like heaven.

    Music Playlist at MixPod.com

    Thursday, December 30, 2010

    its really good to keep a blog where i can view all my thoughts and memories in the past.

    things that i've forgotten about are reminded. decisions that were made are justified.

    2010 is ending and i've enjoyed it while it lasted. got a great boyfriend, made new friends, gain new experiences, and loving all the ones around me.

    enjoyed my internship thoroughly and its been one of the happiest times i've ever had.

    have got a steady part time job since May till date.

    2010 is a year about love and trust for me. 2011? we'll see ya?

    and there's 2012 the so-called end of time. ask me last month if i'd doubt judgement day and i'll say no. ask me now? i really don't know. watching shows that questions my believes and the world. solid facts for God believers are clues for scientist and archaeologists to the past and human creation.

    everything doesn't make sense except nicolas and my favourite girls.

    1:19 AM

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    national day is like last month already. went for the rehearsal and got the stick on tattoo. WAS planning to wear it again on the actual day during work but i totally forgot! aiyaaaaa..

    anyway, trends in singapore are dead boring. its like everyone lags together and start wearing the same thing at the same time! like few months back, maxi dresses were already popular in other countries, no one picked it up yet.

    now, just walk around and i see like at least five people wearing it everyday! furthermore at my workplace where i don't move around at all, i see like more of it.

    maxi dresses are really really elegant and feminine. versatile much(: but it loses the meaning when everyone is wearing it. its not special, you feel like you don't stand out anymore. its sickening to have people all over the street wearing the same thing as you do.

    its not like maxi dresses are basics right? /:

    anyhow, saw this dress quite some time ago at promod? tempted to get it butttttttttt, can't part with money. LOL.

    and i got free tickets to the ALIVE gallery. its actually kinda boring. i forgot when did we went but it was fun entertaining ourselves.

    forced nicolas to take pictures! HA :D

    the talking mona lisa was pretty funny. like we saw suggested questions on the wall and people were asking HER those questions. we just thought it was some simulated thing and we decided to "confuse" her.

    so we walked in,

    mona: Hello...

    other visitors: *somequestion*

    mona: *answers in a very singaporean accent*

    me: how come you have singaporean accent? *laughs think i very funny lol*

    mona: orh, because in singapore, i have to adjust to the local accent so people can understand me better.

    me&nicolas: *shocksssssss and laughsssss*

    nicolas: can i have ya numba?

    mona: wha??

    nicolas: can.. i.. have.. your.. number?

    mona: oh sorry i don't have handphone in my era.

    me: *points to nicolas* handsome not?

    mona: erm, not bad la. good taste.


    so we went to hang around in the gallery somemore and being terribly amused by mona lisa. hahaha. but we sort of got lost so we went back and asked her how to get out. (X

    well, i've been going for lasik consultation. the first got me worried cause they told me my cornea was too thin. and i had to go back today to get it consulted by the medical director (wah sound so big shot). turns out, as the doctor put it, i've been wearing lenses too aggressively (yes, AGGRESSIVELY). but my cornea is thickening when i stopped wearing the lenses.

    so lasik surgery? MISSION POSSIBLE.

    damn happy but i gotta wait damn long. two weeks till i get my perfect vision. excited!

    for now, four eyes... /:


    11:38 PM

    Saturday, September 04, 2010

    you know, people should combine their fb status updates and twitter updates at every end of the day to form a blog entry instead.

    but as promised, i'll be updating about the bangkok trip. no promises for the next update though sadly.

    anyway, departure flight had a delay (TIGER AIRWAYS). we weren't notified in any way and only found out after arriving at the airport. which kinda sucked cause we had plans and everything was pushed back. furthermore, we wasted like four? or more hours at the airport.

    fuming that day and nothing michelle and christina could do to make me calm down. LOL.

    arriving at bangkok, we took a cab with michelle's aunty elpi and aunty evelyn to our LODGINGS. and got introduced to the first rule in bangkok,

    no farting in cabs.

    went Platinum the next day to feed our compulsive shopping disorder. damn excited getting ready for it.

    aww look at the sunnysunlight glow on our skin! can do skincare advertisements already!

    traveling by the "MRT".

    taking a break outside Platinum after like some hours of our compulsive behaviour.

    we missed christina's birthday while in singapore due to busy schedules. ): but made up for it in bangkok with a surprise dinner in cahoots with the aunts. hehehehe.

    five pieces of cake. kinda forgot what flavours already but they were GOOD.


    act tired only.

    next of the entire day was spent at chatuchak and well spent indeed. (: settled loads of our souvenirs there despite the mad hot weather.

    even though i was wearing a cropped top that was super airy, i felt my perspire drip down my back. DAMN GROSS!

    and you know, the best thing to indulge in after shopping?



    eagerly waiting our turn!

    thing that i regretted after the trip? didn't exchange more money to spend/:

    but i saved up and spent them all back home! LOL.


    i may be going through a life changing event! hold on for more updates! :D

    8:27 PM

    Friday, August 06, 2010

    before i turn 21 next year, the following things i want to get done:

    1. lasik - i've wanted it since my eyesight started to go above 400. i wanna see properly without going through all the hassle and fear of getting eye infection or a torn cornea /:

    2. teeth whitening - i hate it when people talk to me looking at my mouth. yes its distracting and no its not food stuck there. even my lecturer is asking me to do something about it. very depressed every time someone mentions it.

    3. double eyelids surgery - i damn vain i swear. ask me about this like four years ago i would've said i love the way i look. but shit la, after wearing double eyelid tapes and seeing the difference it makes.........

    4. tattoo - i've wanted one when i was little. but then when i reached my early teens i decided that i'd be fine without it anyway. aiya then when you grow up a bit more, heart itchy, and i wanna mark this period of my life (as someone told me i still remember who you are!). soooo, still deciding which part of my body though..

    5. get a full time job la of course.

    aiya the liuying you all know now is like damn different from the one in the past. now i'm super vain and i have NO TRACE of my tomboyish-ness until i start to gesture and talk. HAHAHAHA.

    i won't turn plastic though no worries! it's just my eyes and the teeth that i really really wanna get done. of course it's for my benefit cause my diploma will set me going in a job that depends a lot on how you present yourself.

    okay la, i'm vain.

    1:17 AM

    Tuesday, July 27, 2010

    year three wasn't as dramatic as year two. basically enjoying the time i spend hanging with the groupmates. makes project less stressful, or i can say no stress at all.

    birthday passed and thanks to all who made the effort to celebrate with me (:

    and the maxi dress right..... i have to clarify! yiting and nicolas were in cahoots thus ACTUALLY, the dress is from yiting. hehehe. THANKS BABE! love it loads that if i can i wanna wear it everyday!

    the sweetest thing ever done for me during my birthday was from nicolas. damn sweet and thoughtful. though i know it's nothing much to you but it meant so much to me. and you made me cry on my birthday! happy tears (': thanks for being with me through our bittersweet fights, endless teasing, and constant annoyance. LOVE YOU LAHHHHHH!

    the cutest and most thoughtful present i got this year was the ukelele! michelle and christina, THANK YOU GIRLS! and of course nicolas! hahahahaha.

    also to ivanmichelle, christina, benyiting, and NICOLAS (again i know!) for dinner at Handburger! i know i'm a very "on impulse" kind of person so i never never plan stuff ever! appreciate that you all took the time off to celebrate with me and also putting up with my indecisiveness. (:

    and thanks to alex and glen for the meal at Werner's Oven! even though only know you guys for like four months? you guys have been taking care of me and ahboy so well! really appreciate it when you put up with all our nonsense LOL.

    to jane and alvin who will never ever see this, THANKS for the bag! i've never expected you guys to get me anything! best bosses ever. hehe!

    daddy, thanks for bringing me all the way to JB to "shop" even though i ended up getting my hair dyed instead.

    mommy, thankyou for bringing me to good food every year without fail(:

    jing, at times you can be so annoying and i can be to you too, thanks for getting me the shades from Guess! never expected it at all. my first ever branded possession.

    to facebook, i kinda hate it. because, people don't bother messaging you "happy birthday" any more! it's so unpersonalised and people just take for granted it's on the notification /: no one bothers to remember birthdays because of facebook. convenient or insincerity?

    but whatever, THANKS ANYWAY to all who wished me through facebook because you bothered to! and especially those who took the effort to message me(:

    it's been a great half year of 2010. attachment gonna start and i'm damn excited :D


    10:36 PM

    Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    i love the little things you do to..

    - make me smile
    - make me laugh
    - make me gasp in surprise/pleasure

    and i especially love that you..

    - remind me of something significant that we had together.



    11:43 PM

    Saturday, July 17, 2010

    two years...

    one person can just ruin it all.

    they are all good players with so much potential. but they lack discipline that we tried to instill. maybe we're not trying hard enough. maybe, i am not?

    i don't understand how hard is it to just commit that little portion of time. it's not a lot, just five hours of your 168 hours a week. which equates to a mere TWO PERCENT of your week.

    not having fun?

    i don't have to repeat this over and over again. we are a team, not a club. we compete, not leisure. we have a goal in mind, not just playing for fun.

    we did have fun. just take a look at all our past pictures. our outings..

    i am a firm believer of fun. those who know me understand that completely.

    so much so, i spend too little time sleeping. if i'm not in school, i'm at work. if i'm not at work, i'm at training. if i'm not at training, i'll be out somewhere doing stuff with the people i love.

    i was a party girl. how can i not know how to have fun?

    it's disheartening to see our efforts for the past two years go down the drain week by week. those times when we pushed our limits, it was never easy for us.

    maybe you all haven't fought for something so precious to you before. maybe you don't want it as much as us. maybe it just don't matter that much to you. but, think about it. we all fight for something. for the things we want, for the things that matter, and for the people we love. it ain't difficult. it's just a matter of whether you have the heart for it.

    we've been through school with all the projects and homework piling up weekly, not to forget the exams. don't say you can't cope cause we did. and when we do, we never neglect the team.

    it is all about prioritizing and how willing you are to make that sacrifice. we all did it, are you gamed for it?

    just because hearing stuff about your so-called captain from a person who has never contributed anything to the team, you think you know what's right and what's wrong? listening to the person who had no guts to say "i quit the team" and disappeared for an entire year, are you sure you're listening to the right person? believing that someone who is spreading animosity in the team, are you damn sure that what you believe in, is the truth?

    if someone means well for the team, he/she will never ever talk behind people's back. think about it.

    i'm not against the person. i have no grudge. i did nothing. if you believe what that person says, ask what i did wrong. see if the person can reply you more than just plain dislike. see the reply is more than just plain spite. ask what i did to him/her whoever.

    if the answer is convincing enough for you, i dare you to speak up to me. tell me what i did wrong. because it's something i've been wondering for so long. educate me, i daresay.

    all i wanna say is, your seniors put in so much effort to get where we are now. you may not be close to us enough to know, but all of us worry about the team all the time. and some of us are leaving. doing so much was never for us, but for the team. if you want to be the ones who'd ruin it, go ahead.

    we will only remember those times that we fought hard and triumphed.

    POL-ITE 10/11, you will understand soon enough.

    1:04 AM