its really good to keep a blog where i can view all my thoughts and memories in the past.
things that i've forgotten about are reminded. decisions that were made are justified.
2010 is ending and i've enjoyed it while it lasted. got a great boyfriend, made new friends, gain new experiences, and loving all the ones around me.
enjoyed my internship thoroughly and its been one of the happiest times i've ever had.
have got a steady part time job since May till date.
2010 is a year about love and trust for me. 2011? we'll see ya?
and there's 2012 the so-called end of time. ask me last month if i'd doubt judgement day and i'll say no. ask me now? i really don't know. watching shows that questions my believes and the world. solid facts for God believers are clues for scientist and archaeologists to the past and human creation.
everything doesn't make sense except nicolas and my favourite girls.
♥ 1:19 AM