back from hongkong. wasn't as fun as i thought it'd be. maybe cause of the communication barrier, i suck at cantonese.

anyway, didn't stay in hongkong throughout. went to 珠海 (zhuhai) which is in guangzhou, only an hour ferry ride from hongkong. the stuff there are waaaaayyy cheaper and surprisingly, i shopped more! bought the famous cigarette, 中华 (chunghwa), for nic.

i didn't know the extend of its "popularity" even after buying it. i just knew, it's considered expensive for a china brand cigarette!
so after i got it, dad, a non-smoker, told me that he tried to get that for his china clients every time he visits china for a business trip. but it was always sold out in the duty free store.
and then, when i got back to singapore, nic told me how excited that the china boys who used to work with him were when they got their hands on CHUNGHWA.
the most outstanding was, when we went butterfactory on wednesday to celebrate eileen's birthday, a guy around late 30s? asked if it was the real chunghwa cigarette. wah, this cigarette like more famous than Sir Stamford Raffles can! hahahahaha.
so that's one thing cool about china. another one is that the way they drive on the streets, it's damn messed up yet organised at the same time.
drivers honk so much not because they are angry, simply just to alert the rest that they are behind/near them. traffic lights are pretty much pointless in china cause no one uses them. pedestrians cross the road as and when they feel like without really looking at the road.
major culture shock.
okay, back to hongkong. as upbeat and modern as honkies may seem to be, they don't use their handphones as much as taiwanese and singaporeans do! when i walk on the street, i'm like the only one texting constantly.
disneyland was damn high! really brings out the child in you. when i stepped into disneyland, it was like walking into a storybook movie with background music all the time! it was hard to contain all my excitement and i was jumping like crazy. (X

mom is damn cute i swear. she surprises me at the most unexpected times. sometimes, she can just nag until my ears fall off.
when i left the house today,
"MEEE, 我处去了!"then she was like,
"OK, 另外一个leh?"LOLLLL!!
can't hide anything from her.
so i guess you people must be wondering why i'm not in bangkok now. michelle's aunt called to say that the protesters took their rioting to the tourist attractions. most of the shops are closed for now so there's no point going.
SADLY, we had to postpone our trip till june. was really looking forward to it. i guess now i have more time to save money and hopefully, we'll have more company during the june trip! (:
gonna get myself something special tonight! keep you guys updated!