eh eh where's my new year entry?
as usual, TP has crammed all their deadlines together and everyone seems to be in these categories:
1. TOO BUSY TO.....



4. TOO LAZY TO....

it's the first time for my life in TP having stayed up all night, reached school at 8am, returned home by 1130am to sleep, woke up at 430pm to prepare for training, finally reaching home at 11pm.
damn tiring. and it's not like i did it for fun-joy-laughter. days just lapse together and i can't really tell a day from the next.
so start of 2010? a blur all together.
having said that, 2009 was also a blur. it was fun while it lasted. again i broke another of my rules.
i've had my most share of clubbing, drinking, chalet, laughing, crying, and INJUSTICE.
so much that i have to say it again!
INJUSTICE!i've mentioned it briefly last time ->
HEREi had my matric card (identification pass thingy for poly students) confiscated just because i sat on table protruding from the wall.
YA I KNOW! stupid right? there wasn't even a sign that indicated that we weren't allowed to.. and TP's damn rich for changing all the desk in the school, can't they just put up a couple of signs that will only cost about a tenth of that?
so the one who confiscated my card said,
"do you want to know why you're not allowed to sit on the table?"(no, it's ok -> i said this)
"well, i'll tell you anyway."(huh then you ask me for what? stupid ah you. know the meaning of NO? -> this was in my head)
"because the table may break and you will fall and injure yourself blah blah blah.."aiya, whatever la. from this, i derived that,
point is, i always question authority. to see if authority is not misused. i want to know that i deserve the punishment i get.
and a whole lot of other stuff.
in the end i had a disciplinary hearing just before one of my mid semester tests. totally screwed up that day. reason being i was forced to apologize.
meaning i was driven into a corner, no way out. i can choose to continue reasoning and state my stand, and i will end up missing my paper. AND THEN, there will still be no conclusion.
the situation was clear, i
HAVE to apologize to get out.
when i made views that the disciplinary lady could not answer, she'd say,
"well, it's our responsibility for our roles as educators........."
"the school system states that........"yes yes. win already lor.
am ashamed of myself for apologizing to something that i felt i did no wrong. there were supporters, just that they also can't override the "school system".
hais. so how again was i reminded of this INJUSTICE?
my communication skills tutor went into labour and guess who's the relief tutor? -.-
past is past. but i'm still plotting some kind of imaginary revenge. pathetic.
just when i thought 2008 was a dramatic year, 2009 just went and outdo it.
I HAD A CAR ACCIDENT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. and i did the craziest things like bbq-ing in the middle of the night, ON IMPULSE. and i lost a toenail ):
wish i could post more pictures but my laptop is STILL DOWN.
so for 2010, i guess it'll probably beat the other two so i'm hopeful? LOL.
things i hope to get done this year:
1. get my driver's license2. get abs (still working on it)3. get a job (wait, i think my internship is like nine more months?)4. do something i've never done beforesurprisingly that's all. things get simpler every year huh? hahahaha. (lazy more like)
but some things will always be the same. like not sleeping at the "planned" time, which should be some three hours ago.
so happy new year all (:
do remember to visit
QUEERLAMP for pretty preloved items!