yes people, this little witch has finally turned 19. thanks for all the wishes everyone! each and every one of you made me smile!! (:
now i'm going to be an old hag.
first things first, ivan's going into NS on the tenth! had a farewell BBQ for him on sunday night that turned out disastrous due to heavy downpour. hilarious!
we were like hanging umbrellas from raffia strings tied across a pillar and tree. LOL. still got drenched in the end but the food was OK! we had loads of fun though. only the part when the drinking started to get fierce, christina and i retreated into my house. hahaha.
was getting lazy and all but then chris told me to go out after 12midnight ma. so i went la.. then reach the pit, she and michelle went like
"1! 2! 3!"
ohman, haha so paiseh. they help me sing birthday song. hahaha. shucks..
after the bbq, went to meet damien nick and rubina with chris for supper at pasir ris central. hungry and tired man.
chris stayed over at my place and we slept like logs till 10am plus. didn't hear my phone ring at all. and i've told people that my bed is damn comfortable. once you're on it, it's hard to get off. hahaha.
chris says maybe she's just tired luh..
WHAT RUBBISH! hahahahaha...
went to school and met damien nick for lunch while poor chris go for project group meeting, damn sad. end up only me eating. then just talk slack until lesson start then i go for class.
got another sing song session from 2m04 after class plus an oreo cheesecake. thanks people! enjoyed the super soggy cake! hahaha. feels like i'm biting off cream. AWESOME! (:
slacked at biz park after class with rubina nick damien yuanhui anson jeremy. think they got bored or something then started to sing birthday song for me la. damn loud make me super super paiseh. and they sang it in chinese too. double paiseh.
went to training afterwards.
oh ya, last friday after training,

saw this board at the bridge there. i think cause people have been sticking their temperature stickers everywhere! like seriously. even on the posters can? hahahaha. damn funny. ohwell, whoever that placed this board here is damn thoughtful (:
oh anyway, got a surprise from the team. hahaha. so sweet.. but i sort of guessed something was up after jiajie and candice disappeared too long. haha. so as usual, i was being a cheek and got up to leave.
immediately, the backup squad got to me and like desperately holding me back.
HAHAHAHA super cute.and it's the rare few times that i got smashed by cake la. usually, it's the other way round.
went off to 85 market to meet rubina nick damien yuanhui anson jeremy amanda yanping for the finale of the night. haha.
look what those idiots got me,

muffin with a cigarette la! damn gross.. hahaha.
and i had to blow out the cig-.- while at it, i got smashed in the face by a chocolate muffin which i made anson and jeremy lick it. LOL!
thanks la you guys. i like just got to know all of you only then you all treat me so well. haha.
then the guys disappeared for awhile to "smoke". and came back with,

my immediate reaction was,
OMG GG..... hahahahaha.
had to down the whole bottle neat. i screamed in protest and persuaded them successfully to let me buy drink.
after like downing around 2/3 of the bottle, they decided to let it go la. so i got yuanhui to help me finish the rest.
man i was so naive.
was trying to get rid of the alcohol taste so i gulped down the sprite. the WHOLE bunch of them just smiled and stared at me la!! then, nick took out another bottle of the vodka!
guess what,
it's EMPTY o.O
kao! they're unscruptulous luh! spiked my drink!
lucky i was sent home already. and for
YOUR (the whole bunch of you) information, i puked. hahaha. but that was after a failed attempt at my project, rolling around my bed and a shower. damn awesome! (:
and my room reeks of alcohol. haha!

after all that trouble, i'm very thankful for all of them la. haha. this few days keep making me laugh until buay tahan.
and really, thanks everyone for the birthday wishes whether phone or msn or facebook!
now for my piano exam ):