mood lightened after finishing up my projects. left with presentations now. really looking forward to the end of all these projects. they've been kind. LOL
just going to put up some pictures i took but haven't got the time to go through yet.

sometimes, our lives just fly past so quickly that we don't have time to stop and appreciate our surroundings.
my 18th year on this earth, it's been a wild ride and it's over already. times i wish i could go back, they can't be returned.
right now, the person i miss most is grandpa. it's my first new year without him. my first new year not waking up early to proceed with the tradition. this new year, i keep thinking about him. about how he'd greet the whole family with grandma. smiling as he wished us all good health and good grades.
i'm not crying. no tears.
i just miss him dearly. these days, i keep thinking about the times we spent together. how he held my hand to cross the road, fetching me to and fro the kindergarten, playing chess and tic-tac-toe, teaching me how to ride a bicycle. all the fundamentals, all of them he taught.
still feeling that it's so unfair that he had to leave early. if not for that, if not for that... this year, he'd be 84. and he'd still be strolling with grandma in the mornings; saw her going out for walks by herself worries me.
i realised how much the family depended on him to take care of grandma.
grandpa, i'm so sorry for not being home often. miss you much. do visit me in my dreams, i promise i won't cry (:
last week in school, to many of our horror,
COCKROACHES!and they are so damn big and infesting the school everywhere! it's an eerie sight.

actually, it's fake la. obvious right? haha. just wondering why are they in school though and who pasted them there.
last friday night, went out with christina and her gang (WAHAHA) to shisha near haji lane there. will post the pictures when she sends them to me. also, went to meet michelle xiaogui and dil later on to drink and also for xiaogui's farewell. missing her. lX
that night was the first time i went PLAY. and when i got out of the toilet, saw two guys frenching each other passionately. but it feels like a nice place. may go again if there's company. (:

am i as handsome as...
hahahahahahahahahaha! the shop owner has cute sense of humor. (X

reunion dinner. jing and jovian deeply engrossed in their own gadgets. super jealous because,
MY PSP MEMORY CARD SPOILT! )):*wails in despair*
so sad can? was having a lot of fun bishibashi-ing on it luh.
went out with baby! it's our
THIRD new year together. huh? third? not possible what. we only together almost two years only ma. how come it's our third new year right?
HAHAHA! in 2007, new year was on feb17 or feb18. somewhere there. haha. we just got together then!
there's this memory game we always play to see who has the best memory of course. (X currently, we are wondering which new year was it that i wore a
green v-necked top. haha. too bad i don't have the picture. or we could check it out luh.
but i think it's the first year. cause i wore this in the second year.

heeeeeeheeeeee. think i'll win this one luh. hmph.and here's this year. (:

hot and
bright sun.
so sad that this new year past too quickly. i haven't got enough of baby yet.
and my mom did something funny again. dinner, she gave me
two spoons instead of the usual one spoon one fork. hahahaha.

if only we could float through life's ups and downs~