didn't get to blog on friday's event cause i reached home near midnight. so i couldn't do much plus! i had to find the lyrics for the outreaching programme. sad aye? doesn't matter, i'm going to tell you guys about friday now.
well, basically friday was like any other day of the week. but something to be happy about was that it was the last of the Supervised Self Study! somehow, i don't seem as happy as i should be. guess it's due to the fact that i'll be more relax now makes me worried. SSS did me some good, really. it was the time i was most productive in my studies. yup! especially you have teachers like Mr. Chan there to help you with math. not to mention some friends that you could ask questions and stuff. well, that's not the main part about friday anyway.
after SSS, i went to yunzhi's house. why?? we were attending this Garage concert at the Geylang Evangelism Church (i think). erm, you guys heard about SYFC? it's Singapore Youth For Christ. they organised an event in which they invited Carpenter's Tools International to play music and interact with us. well, the CTI went to AHS on wednesday for expression. and i must say, they are really good. especially Kyle, the lead singer, he could actually sing 童话!! so yea, many of the girls in school was qutie attracted to this handsome singing chap. well, i wasn't really very excited about them. cause i thought that CTI, especially Kyle, would be kind of full of themselves and stuff. but i was proven wrong during the Garage concert. so there i was with yunzhi looking around. Lydia, someone we know from SYFC, suddenly dragged us to Kyle!! LoL. well, it was kind of awkward i guess. but we kind of started talking about loads of stuff. and well, it felt really nice. we got introduced to Nan, bassman, along the way. so we took some pictures and Kyle went off to prepare for the concert. so by that time, other people from our group arrived so we were quite excited about the concert.
so the concert was opened by the local band which was also really brilliant. both the lead male and female singers had really good voices!! the lead female singer was really pretty too. haha xD. so after that, CTI came up and danced We're All In This Together like shown in High School Musical. Brooke, the lead female singer, danced really well! did i mention we were sitting right at the front? so like, me and huiyi (4C) had to keep smiling at them. LoL! then we were invited to dance with them too. haha. well, attempted to be enthusiastic about it but well, no one accompanied me. haha. so after the dance, they sang songs and of course 童话 again!! this time, Kyle jumped off the stage and suddenly, KNELT infront of me while singing!! it was so awkward!! then to my horror, i saw the camera man taking a shot so i kind of looked away. LoL! i'm shy. but after all that, the best part was that each band member was to sit with a table and eat dinner with them. also, the table had to teach the CTI members how to speak chinese since like they are from the States. and, if we taught them well, we could win a prize. so, to yunzhi's joy, Brad the keyboardist came to sit with us! he's so friendly! so we taught him chinese and talked to him. then they had to go back to the stage to have that "chinese lesson speaking competition". LoL! too bad Brad didn't win, but we still had loads of fun. Brad kind of became 面包 cause you know, Brad and bread? haha.
so yea, around like dessert time, Brad came back to our table and shared his testimony to us. i was quite inspired by his testimony. he told us he used to be heavy on drugs. and the thing is, he didnt' know anything about the Gospel till like 18! but well, he's a probation officer now. in case you don't know what's that, Brad is those kind of police who goes around watching kids that were caught doing bad stuff. these kids will be placed on probation and Brad would go visit them as much as he likes to make sure they don't make the same mistake again. cool aye? like he was inspired by he's younger days.
then like after the concert, we stayed back and talked somemore with the CTI people. turns out, our group was the last one left!! Jason, soundman, was kind of high that night and was going around harassing some people. haha. yunzhi, huiyi, serene and me were left talking to Kyle. zhilin was running away from Jason and at the same time talking to Brad and Nan with jun and swanyee. Kyle told us a love story while i think it was either Brooke or Gechien that taught the other half sign language. all in all, we had a terrific time together and exchanged contacts. Brad being real nice and all took all our emails down and promised to keep us in touch.
so we left at about eleven cause we were nagged off by the SYFC people. LoL!! kept saying that CTI has a concert the next day and blah blah blah. haha. yea we understand. cool right? it kind of ended up being a get to know more friends day. it was real sweet and stuff the way they said they'll keep in contact. so we said goodbye reluctantly and went home.
wasn't that awesome??
anyway, as for today, had to go church in the morning for meeting. then as usual we had cell then service. i was really tired as i slept at 2am!!! gosh. luckily, i didn't sleep during sermon. hahaha. then after church, i met up with my family for dinner. well, it was a treat from my mom's colleagues as they striked 4D. also, met up with those long-time-no-see friends my brother and i knew since like we were born. had a real good time. you all should've seen what i was eating man. it was like heaven. hahahahaha.
ok, i'm tired from all that typing. i'll go bathe now. oops =x!